“Honesty, integrity, personal code of ethics and commitment to community. These are the qualities I expect from my council member. Sam exemplifies all these qualities. Sam will protect and preserve our “small Town Family Friendly image”. District 2 needs Sam as our Town Council representative, the Town of Windsor needs Sam as a voice on our council. I support and will vote for Sam Salmon, District 2 Town Council Member.”

-MaryAnn Bainbridge-Krause, 27 year resident of Windsor

“I have known Sam Salmon for over 30 years. He has always been kind, honest and friendly. Above all he has the most experience to be able to lead the Town in a positive well planned way. Just look at what a great job he has done so far. I am voting for Sam”.

-Cheryl Pabros, Windsor resident

“I appreciate Sam’s thoughtful, deeply considered opinions on all matters; he’s earned my trust to make decisions on our behalf. He encourages and values public input, and models civil discourse in government.”

-Liz Acosta, Windsor resident

“Sam is a dedicated, compassionate public servant. He listens to the community and truly seeks to understand before advocating his position, and always in the best interest of families and children in Windsor.”

-Stephen Rios, Windsor resident

"Without question, Sam has shown himself to be a representative of the, often-overlooked and ignored, broader Windsor community. Such representation is exactly what we should expect from each of our Town leaders.“

-Bob Cobb, Windsor resident

“Sam Salmon is a leader in the true sense of the word. In my years living in Windsor, I have known Sam to be a listener to individual and community concerns. He will answer questions and openly discuss issues without judgement. Sam makes his own decisions on what is best for the whole community; not just for a select few of his inside supporters. Sam is humble but leads from his heart, experience and mind. Sam is NOT a true politician but is a true Leader.”

-Catherine Adams, Co-founder: Heart of Windsor Alliance, Windsor resident

“Sam Salmon has been a dedicated servant of the Town of Windsor for nearly 30 years.  With his insight and guidance, the Town has flourished and become the family and community center of Sonoma County.  Once elected as the council representative for District 2, I am confident that Sam will represent the best interests of the residents, the businesses, and the environment and continue to preserve what we cherish about Windsor.”

-Evan Kubota, Town of Windsor Planning Commissioner, MSMVCD Trustee, Windsor resident

Do you have a testimonial, kind words, or encouragement for Sam? Please click the button to send, and if approved, we will post it on this website and/or social media!

“I know Sam Salmon is committed to protecting the Town of Windsor, and that he will continue to work to preserve the small town charm that makes Windsor such a special place to live.”

-Mark Landman

“Sam salmon has always been a champion for all the people of Windsor, even when attacked by others for standing for his beliefs. As mayor, he helped Windsor rebuild our reputation after the Fopolli scandal, and we need him more than ever to make all our voices heard. A vote for Sam Salmon is a vote for safety, integrity and responsible government.”

-Jeffrey Leasure
Planning Commissioner, Business Owner, & Windsor Resident

“I had the good fortune of being on Sam's first campaign piece and l am proud to be giving this endorsement. As I tell people, how cool is it to have a councilperson who attends almost every Thursday Night concert in his big hat dancing the night away. During the break, Sam walks through the crowd, shaking hands and answering questions. Sam was part of the Vision that turned Windsor into Windsor and I absolutely love the way it turned out. For those who don't know, Windsor was once known as the armpit of Sonoma County, now it’s the Crown Jewel of Sonoma County. There is no one I trust more than Sam, to keep it that way.”

-George Horwedel, Windsor resident

Sam Salmon has served our community as Town Mayor, Town Councilman, and has advocated for Smart Growth to preserve our small-town character for over 30 years. His input has been instrumental in creating the Windsor we have now, and that we love and cherish. Please join me in re-electing Sam Salmon in District 2.

-Don Albini, Windsor Planning Commissioner 24 years, Windsor resident

“Sam is a thoughtful leader, always listening to the wants and needs of our community. His number one focus and priority has always been to ensure Windsor maintains the family friendly, small town charm that we all love. Sam’s historical knowledge is essential, now more than ever, as we will have a fairly new council once the District 3 incumbent vacates her seat. This council experience, along with the lifelong ties and commitment to our community is why I will vote for Sam Salmon as my District 2 representative.

 -Jen Wall, Windsor resident since 2001

“Sam and I don't agree on everything, but here's what I love about him: he legitimately LISTENS to opposing points of view. He's not just waiting for his turn to talk or thinking of how to rebut what he hears. He thinks about it and tries to digest the reasoning. That is a really important quality in a leader, we'll be lucky to have him for 4 more years.”

 -Mike Wall, Town of Windsor Council-member and Windsor Resident

“Thank you for everything you do for Windsor, Sam! I remember when you first ran for Town Council in 1994! You had my vote back then and always will. You’ve done so much to make our town special. You always consider what the people in our town want and need, and you keep an eye on the budget, too. Such dedication is rare, and I appreciate that you’re running again.

-Sidnee Cox